Opinions ranged widely regarding the new Bond film, Quantum of Solace. Some Reporters and commenters say it’s one of the best in the 22-film Bond series. Others lamented the lack of wit and charm and characterized it as the worst film in the long history of Bond movies and some folks said it was one of the worst films they’ve ever seen.
jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008
A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants. The biological function of a flower is to mediate the union of male sperm with female ovum in order to produce seeds. The process begins with pollination, is followed by fertilization, leading to the formation and dispersal of the seeds. For the higher plants, seeds are the next generation, and serve as the primary means by which individuals of a species are dispersed across the landscape. The grouping of flowers on a plant are called the inflorescence.
miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008
The woman who walks in front of his shadow.
Those who precedes the light as the birds to the celebrations of the solstice. The thing that has kept for himself except their youth and the stone engarzada of tears.
One that has extended his hair on the tree blooming in autumn, which is docile to the insinuations of their leaves.
The woman whose hands are the hands of a child.
Which is now visible in the silence, which offers its eyes the animal that looks dark meekly.
Which has been with me in the beginning, the woman who has traced the shape of things to water hiding.
The man has wanted to shorten the physical distance. From the primitive signals of smoke, through the electrical telegraph, and finally arriving to the modern Internet. The distance has been shortened with the technological advances, that the present man has constructed until obtaining results that have transformed the human thought and the communicative form.
The telephone: we can communicate in a way of confidence and of way a little nearer, in my opinion I believe that sending e-mails is a good communication way but at the same time is very cold because there is not enough contact that we can found in the voice when we are listening the person we want.
Electronic mail or email offers to us the possibility of sending and receiving correspondence in a fast form. In order to send an email, it is necessary to have a computer, to have an e-mail direction. The mailbox directions consist of a text chain, separated in two parts by a sign that is @.
Finally both, telephone and e-mail, are mass media of important results serve, us for the same but we cannot forget that one just with pick up the fone and to mark a phone number already of destiny we are communicating to us besides more personal way and with the other we must write a mail direction, write the message, send and is everything is no contact some.
halloween is a celebration originating of the celtic culture it is celebrated maunly in the united states at on october 31st night.
halloween derives from english expression all hallow´s eve (eve of the saints).it was cwlebratedin the anglosaxon countries,mainly in canada, the united states, ireland and the united kingdom.it is said that on halloween night,the door that separates the world of the live ones of further on opened and the spirits of deceased made a procession in the towns in which they live . that night the spirits visit the houses of their relatives , and so that the spirits do not disturb them, The villages put candles the windows of their houses for each deceased members of their familis if there are candles in memory of each deceased , the spirits want bother their relatives. If there are not candles the spirits will disturb them at night and then will make them fall between terrible nightmares.
martes, 28 de octubre de 2008
Halloween it is an originating celebration of the céltica culture that is celebrated mainly in the United States at night of the 31 of October. The Halloween word is a derivation of the English expression All Hallow' s Eve (Day Eve of the Saints). It was celebrated in the Anglo-Saxon countries, mainly in Canada, the United States, Ireland and the United Kingdom. One says that the night of Halloween, the door that separated the world of the alive ones of Further on opened and the spirits of the deceaseds made a procession in the towns in which they lived. In that night the spirits visited the houses of their relatives, and so that the spirits did not disturb to them the villagers had to put a candle in the window of their house by each deceased who was in the family. If there were a candle in memory of each deceased the spirits did not bother his relatives, if he were not therefore the spirits disturbed to them at night and they made them fall between terrible nightmares.
jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008
Origin of the Christmas tree
The ancestral germanic towns had protective trees, pines or firs that were sacred and were related to different Gods. When San Bonifacio cristianizó to these tribes was worth of a very particular sincretismo, using these trees to represent the Santísima Trinidad due to its triangular form. In century XVI, in this same region, the trees began to decorate with fruits and flowers and although these could be considered Christmas the trees older, the inhabitants of the city of Riga, in Latvia, affirm to be the true inventors of the same, originally realised in 1510. Later, for century XVIII, the custom already had extended by central Europe and at the beginning of century XX in almost everybody. Today they stand around 100 million Christmas trees in all the planet and new forms to present, some illuminated ones with optical fiber have even been created or even, of head, hung of the ceiling. There is an enormous variety costumary Christmas around the world that surprises to us; nevertheless, also it is very important to conserve the own traditions, those that us make unique. Who knows, maby, someday extend also by all the planet.
lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008
Negative influences of television
The children spend less time in physical activities like running, swimming, to walk, etc. now they only see programs in television.
The housewives let the activities of the home see long hours the television programs.
The influence of the aggressive programs, bad ideas in them, damage the behavior of the children.
The television sometimes brings a strong dependency that makes us be loose, we only spent hours seeing it.
The children spend less time in physical activities like running, swimming, to walk, etc. now they only see programs in television.
The housewives let the activities of the home see long hours the television programs.
The influence of the aggressive programs, bad ideas in them, damage the behavior of the children.
The television sometimes brings a strong dependency that makes us be loose, we only spent hours seeing it.
Influences of Television
1.-In the television you can see films in company of your family, this is a positive influence because you spend time with them
2.-The children learn activities in educative programs, therefore they develop new skills thanks to the television.
3.-Without needing traveling you can know the world because the television give you wonderful images.
2.-The children learn activities in educative programs, therefore they develop new skills thanks to the television.
3.-Without needing traveling you can know the world because the television give you wonderful images.
4.-We stay informed well, mainly what he passes in the world and our surroundings thanks to the television.
5.-In a while of depression we can see graceful and funny programs to we feel well
domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008
Inexorable laws
" When you need openhe door with the unique free hand, the key will be in the pocket opposed". " The unique time that the door is closed single is when you have left to the keys inside".
" When you have the fat hands full, it will begin to you to prick nose".
" When the things seem to go better, it is than you have ignored something "
If you maintain the calm when all lose the head, without a doubt it is that you have not caught the gravity of problema".
" The problems neither are created, nor are solved, only they transform".
" You will arrive running at the telephone just in time to hear like the hang tephone".
" Itself there are two programs in t.v. that are worth the pain to see, will be to the same hour. " The probability that you stain yourself eating, is directly proportional to the necessity that you must to be clean".
" All body submerged in the bathtub will make sound the telephone. " All body seated in the toilet will make sound the timbre of puerta". ( " The wind speed increases proportionally at the cost of hair". " When after years of to have kept a thing without using you decide it to throw it, it will not happen more than one week you really need than it " Whenever you arrive precise at an appointment there will be nobody no to verify it there, and if on the contrary you arrive behind schedule, everybody will have arrived before you". " You do not take yourself so in serious the life, after all you will not leave alive her".
" When you need openhe door with the unique free hand, the key will be in the pocket opposed". " The unique time that the door is closed single is when you have left to the keys inside".
" When you have the fat hands full, it will begin to you to prick nose".
" When the things seem to go better, it is than you have ignored something "
If you maintain the calm when all lose the head, without a doubt it is that you have not caught the gravity of problema".
" The problems neither are created, nor are solved, only they transform".
" You will arrive running at the telephone just in time to hear like the hang tephone".
" Itself there are two programs in t.v. that are worth the pain to see, will be to the same hour. " The probability that you stain yourself eating, is directly proportional to the necessity that you must to be clean".
" All body submerged in the bathtub will make sound the telephone. " All body seated in the toilet will make sound the timbre of puerta". ( " The wind speed increases proportionally at the cost of hair". " When after years of to have kept a thing without using you decide it to throw it, it will not happen more than one week you really need than it " Whenever you arrive precise at an appointment there will be nobody no to verify it there, and if on the contrary you arrive behind schedule, everybody will have arrived before you". " You do not take yourself so in serious the life, after all you will not leave alive her".
domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008
Player of American basketball, one of the best players than has had the NBA and the best anotador of history. When Michael turned 13 years, his father made construct a field of basketball in the land located behind his house, where he began to be the admiration of the district and the neighbors who joined the afternoons of the week ends to play the basketball and to make barbecues. In 1981 he entered in the equipment of the University of Carolina of the North, and the following year better player of the season was already chosen. he was well-known in the United States with the nickname of " he can do it all” comprised of one of the best North American selections of basketball was raised with the gold medal in the Olympic Games of Los Angeles (1984), after beating in the end to the Spanish selection. In 1984 it was chosen by the Chicago Bulls, equipment in which remained throughout all their sport race and with which obtained six championships of the NBA. Was chosen better player in 1988, 1991, 1992, 1996 and 1998. Second Olympic appointment in Barcelona 92, but this time like member of the professional equipment went to his " Dream Team" , with that the gold repeated that already obtained like college student in Los Angeles. In October of 1993, after the murder of his father, it left the competition, but it returned to the NBA in March of 1995 and one again became the star of the Chicago Bulls Considered the best player of basketball for all time, within the field it emphasized by his rapidity, elegance and intelligence, and outside her, by her simplicity and honesty. At the beginning of 1999 it announced his definitive distant one of the active sport.
American Men
Player of American basketball, one of the best players than has had the NBA and the best anotador of history. When Michael turned 13 years, his father made construct a field of basketball in the land located behind his house, where he began to be the admiration of the district and the neighbors who joined the afternoons of the week ends to play the basketball and to make barbecues. In 1981 he entered in the equipment of the University of Carolina of the North, and the following year better player of the season was already chosen. he was well-known in the United States with the nickname of " he can do it all” comprised of one of the best North American selections of basketball was raised with the gold medal in the Olympic Games of the Angeles (1984), after beating in the end to the Spanish selection. In 1984 it was chosen by the Chicago Bulls, equipment in which remained throughout all their sport race and with which obtained six championships of the NBA. Was chosen better player in 1988, 1991, 1992, 1996 and 1998. Second Olympic appointment in Barcelona 92, but this time like member of the professional equipment went to his " Dream Team" , with that the gold repeated that already obtained like college student in Los Angeles. In October of 1993, after the murder of his father, it left the competition, but it returned to the NBA in March of 1995 and one again became the star of the Chicago Bulls. He was Considered the best player of basketball for all time, within the field it emphasized by his rapidity, elegance and intelligence, and outside her, by her simplicity and honesty. At the beginning of 1999 it announced his definitive distant one of the active sport.
martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008
The love is like a boy
For my the love is like a boy who plays the hidden ones, your you must look for and look for in several people to see where it hid, often you think that you found already it and it give account you of which was not the love that were hidden in that person, but was the disguised friendship of love. Also the love can be that the love this hiding in the person that you chose like pair, but is that the love got tired of that hiding place and decides to look for another one, but by the custom you remain with that person, not by love, but by custom, by this we see some pairs that stay united for a long time but that they are really not enamored. What if I can assure to you he is that when one finds the hiding place of the love and is to him making the demurrage in that hiding place warm, with kisses, affections, taken care of and attention, the love will not want to go away of that hiding place and it already stops being hiding place and it becomes his home. For that reason when you create to find the love cuídalo so that it does not become to you hide-and-seek.
For my the love is like a boy who plays the hidden ones, your you must look for and look for in several people to see where it hid, often you think that you found already it and it give account you of which was not the love that were hidden in that person, but was the disguised friendship of love. Also the love can be that the love this hiding in the person that you chose like pair, but is that the love got tired of that hiding place and decides to look for another one, but by the custom you remain with that person, not by love, but by custom, by this we see some pairs that stay united for a long time but that they are really not enamored. What if I can assure to you he is that when one finds the hiding place of the love and is to him making the demurrage in that hiding place warm, with kisses, affections, taken care of and attention, the love will not want to go away of that hiding place and it already stops being hiding place and it becomes his home. For that reason when you create to find the love cuídalo so that it does not become to you hide-and-seek.
My head, my heart, mine eyes, my life, nay more,My joy, my magazine, of earthly store,If two be one, as surely thou and I,How stayest thou there, whilst I at Ipswich lie?So many steps, head from the heart to sever,If but a neck, soon should we be together.I, like the Earth this season, mourn in black,My Sun is gone so far in's zodiac,Whom whilst I 'joyed, nor storms, nor frost I felt,His warmth such fridged colds did cause to melt.My chilled limbs now numbed lie forlorn;Return; return, sweet Sol, from Capricorn;In this dead time, alas, what can I moreThan view those fruits which through thy heart I bore?Which sweet contentment yield me for a space,True living pictures of their father's face.O strange effect! now thou art southward gone,I weary grow the tedious day so long;But when thou northward to me shalt return,I wish my Sun may never set, but burnWithin the Cancer of my glowing breast,The welcome house of him my dearest guest.Where ever, ever stay, and go not thence,Till nature's sad decree shall call thee hence;Flesh of thy flesh, bone of thy bone,I here, thou there, yet both but one.
martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008
the silence of your soul
In the silence of your soul the most beautiful secrets of your heart hide. Silence is not the absence of sounds, is a calm state in which you can hear what it moves in your interior with greater clarity In silence wonderful conversations are discovered that the word would be incapable to pronounce. In the shut up and calm work the gifts of the people become visible. The word, when she is clear and sincere approaches, us the others, helps to present us to us, it shows to us what the others think and live… silence is the greater degree of communication than we can obtain with a human being. Ábreme the sacred coffer of your silence, it shares with me from which you are, from which you live, from which you cry and where you are glad… without words. I will enter of finishing nails, without making noise, not to break the beauty that you offer to me through your silence… Silence is the greater degree of communication.
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