martes, 28 de octubre de 2008


Halloween it is an originating celebration of the céltica culture that is celebrated mainly in the United States at night of the 31 of October. The Halloween word is a derivation of the English expression All Hallow' s Eve (Day Eve of the Saints). It was celebrated in the Anglo-Saxon countries, mainly in Canada, the United States, Ireland and the United Kingdom. One says that the night of Halloween, the door that separated the world of the alive ones of Further on opened and the spirits of the deceaseds made a procession in the towns in which they lived. In that night the spirits visited the houses of their relatives, and so that the spirits did not disturb to them the villagers had to put a candle in the window of their house by each deceased who was in the family. If there were a candle in memory of each deceased the spirits did not bother his relatives, if he were not therefore the spirits disturbed to them at night and they made them fall between terrible nightmares.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

Origin of the Christmas tree

The ancestral germanic towns had protective trees, pines or firs that were sacred and were related to different Gods. When San Bonifacio cristianizó to these tribes was worth of a very particular sincretismo, using these trees to represent the Santísima Trinidad due to its triangular form. In century XVI, in this same region, the trees began to decorate with fruits and flowers and although these could be considered Christmas the trees older, the inhabitants of the city of Riga, in Latvia, affirm to be the true inventors of the same, originally realised in 1510. Later, for century XVIII, the custom already had extended by central Europe and at the beginning of century XX in almost everybody. Today they stand around 100 million Christmas trees in all the planet and new forms to present, some illuminated ones with optical fiber have even been created or even, of head, hung of the ceiling. There is an enormous variety costumary Christmas around the world that surprises to us; nevertheless, also it is very important to conserve the own traditions, those that us make unique. Who knows, maby, someday extend also by all the planet.

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008


Negative influences of television

The children spend less time in physical activities like running, swimming, to walk, etc. now they only see programs in television.

The housewives let the activities of the home see long hours the television programs.

The influence of the aggressive programs, bad ideas in them, damage the behavior of the children.

The television sometimes brings a strong dependency that makes us be loose, we only spent hours seeing it.

Influences of Television

1.-In the television you can see films in company of your family, this is a positive influence because you spend time with them

2.-The children learn activities in educative programs, therefore they develop new skills thanks to the television.

3.-Without needing traveling you can know the world because the television give you wonderful images.

4.-We stay informed well, mainly what he passes in the world and our surroundings thanks to the television.

5.-In a while of depression we can see graceful and funny programs to we feel well

American joke

What is the difference between a cat and a dog
Dogs think: Humans are benevolent, they feed me, and take care of me, so they must be Gods;
Cats instead think: humans are benevolent, they feed me, and take care of me, so I must be God

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008

Inexorable laws

" When you need openhe door with the unique free hand, the key will be in the pocket opposed". " The unique time that the door is closed single is when you have left to the keys inside".

" When you have the fat hands full, it will begin to you to prick nose".

" When the things seem to go better, it is than you have ignored something "

If you maintain the calm when all lose the head, without a doubt it is that you have not caught the gravity of problema".

" The problems neither are created, nor are solved, only they transform".

" You will arrive running at the telephone just in time to hear like the hang tephone".

" Itself there are two programs in t.v. that are worth the pain to see, will be to the same hour. " The probability that you stain yourself eating, is directly proportional to the necessity that you must to be clean".

" All body submerged in the bathtub will make sound the telephone. " All body seated in the toilet will make sound the timbre of puerta". ( " The wind speed increases proportionally at the cost of hair". " When after years of to have kept a thing without using you decide it to throw it, it will not happen more than one week you really need than it " Whenever you arrive precise at an appointment there will be nobody no to verify it there, and if on the contrary you arrive behind schedule, everybody will have arrived before you". " You do not take yourself so in serious the life, after all you will not leave alive her".