martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008

the silence of your soul

In the silence of your soul the most beautiful secrets of your heart hide. Silence is not the absence of sounds, is a calm state in which you can hear what it moves in your interior with greater clarity In silence wonderful conversations are discovered that the word would be incapable to pronounce. In the shut up and calm work the gifts of the people become visible. The word, when she is clear and sincere approaches, us the others, helps to present us to us, it shows to us what the others think and live… silence is the greater degree of communication than we can obtain with a human being. Ábreme the sacred coffer of your silence, it shares with me from which you are, from which you live, from which you cry and where you are glad… without words. I will enter of finishing nails, without making noise, not to break the beauty that you offer to me through your silence… Silence is the greater degree of communication.

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